PEKANBARU: Pemerintah Provinsi (Pemprov) Riau melalui Badan Penanaman Modal dan Promosi Daerah (BPMD) Provinsi Riau rencananya akan kembali menggelar event tahunan Riau Expo, kegiatan promosi daerah ini bakal dilaksanakan sebelum perhelatan Pekan Olahraga Nasional (PON) 2012. Kepala Badan Penanaman Modal dan Promosi Daerah (BPMPD) Riau, Feizal Qomar Karim melalui Kasubid Promosi dan Publikasi Dalam Negeri, Iis Hermawati menjelaskan, saat ini pihaknya terus memproses kegiatan Riau Expo 2012. Rencananya menurut Iis, kegiatan Riau Expo 2012 akan dilaksanakan pada tanggal 7-11 September 2012. “Namun semuanya masih harus disetujui dulu oleh Gubernur Riau,” ujarnya.Selain waktu, pihaknya juga tengah mengupayakan soal tempat kegiatan. Masalahnya menurut Iis, purna MTQ yang selama ini menjadi perhelatan Riau Expo masih dalam proses pembangunan, sehingga dikhawatirkan tidak bisa menggelar Riau Expo di MTQ. “Makanya kita punya beberapa alternatif yang sedang kita upayakan, namun kita belum berani bilang pilihannya dimana saja, namun yang pasti kegiatan tersebut akan dilaksanakan di Pekanbaru,” tambahnya.
Iis juga menyebutkan tidak digelarnya Riau Expo pada saat PON dengan mempertimbangkan saat fokus kegiatan, Iis menyebutkan panitia Riau Expo juga merupakan panitia PON, sehingga pihaknya berkesimpulan menggelar Riau Expo terlebih dahulu. Terkait dengan anggaran kegiatan, menurutnya pada tahun ini pihaknya juga tengah mengupayakan tidak akan menggunakan anggaran APBD Riau, namun berupaya agar semua biaya kegiatan bisa ditanggung oleh event organizer (EO). “Namun kita juga siapkan dana kalau memang hal itu tidak memungkinkan untuk dilaksanakan,” jelasnya. Ditambahkannya, pada perhelatan tahun itu Riau Expo diharapkan bisa lebih mandiri dengan menggunakan dana swasta. Namun demikian ia berharap tidak akan mengurangi kemeriahan kegiatan ini. Berdasarkan info dari website BPMPD Riau, untuk perhelatan Riau Expo 2012, kegiatan ini akan dilaksanakan oleh PT Produta Promosindo yang beralamat di Jakarta. Menanggapi hal ini, Iis meyakinkan semua proses seleksi EO sudah dilakukan sesuai dengan aturan yang ada. “Jadai yang terbaik lah yang kami tunjuk,” ujarnya.
sumber :
Yang lebih di kenal sekarang Shuffle Dance LMFAO, shaffel atau shufflelin dance telah menjadi gerapan anak muda jaman sekarang . siapa sih yang gak suka dengan dence cool gitu (y). Hitler adalah seorang pemimpin partai Nazi dan seorang seniman gagal, usia mudanya dia menjadi nasionalis jerman yang fanatik. Dimasa perang dunia ke - I dia masuk angkatan bersenjata jerman.
Tahun puncak kehebatan Hitler pada tahun 1940. Selama masa Hitler dia trlibat dalam tindakan pembunuhan massal yang tak ada tolak tandingnya dalam sejarah.
Secara terbuka dia mengumumkan membunuh orang-orang yahudi yang ada di dunia di tiap daerah yang menjadi wilayah kekuasaannya orang-orang tidak bersalah laki-laki perempuan serta anak-anak di jebloskan kedalam ternak dan selanjutnya di bunuh di dalam kamar-kamar gas. dalam jangka waktu beberapa tahun mungkin kurang lebih 6.000.000 yahudi telah di pulangkan ke alam baka. jika seorang Hitler membuat grub band shuffle dance mungkin itu berita paling baru yang muncul di seluruh layar Tv, "Shuffle Dance Ala Hitler "
The first major development of the Internet is the most important invention of packet switching ARPA in 1960. Packet switching is sending a message that can be broken down into smaller packages, each package can be through a variety of alternative pathways damaged if one of the main pathways to achieve the intended purpose. Packet switching also allows the network can be used simultaneously to do a lot of connections, in contrast to telephone lines that require dedicated lines to connect. So when the ARPANET into national computer network in the United States in 1969, packet switching is used as a whole as a method of communication to replace circuit switching used on public telephone lines.
The development of the Internet both recorded in the history of the internet is the development of a network layer protocol known as the most widely used today is TCP / IP (Transmission Control Protocol / Internet Protocol). A protocol is a set of rules to relate antarjaringan. This protocol was developed by Robert Kahn and Vinton Cerf in 1974. With the standard protocol and widely agreed upon, then the local network scattered in different places can be interconnected to form a giant network even now reach the entire world. Network using internet protocol is what is often referred to as the Internet network.
ARPANET networks become increasingly large since then and started to be managed by private parties in 1984, then joined a growing number of universities and commercial companies began to enter. Protocol TCP / IP into an agreed common protocol so that it can communicate with each other on this internet network.
The third major development is the establishment applications Internet World Wide Web in 1990 by Tim Berners-Lee. Application of the World Wide Web (WWW) has become the anticipated content of all Internet users. WWW makes all users can share a variety of applications and content, as well as linking together material scattered on the internet. Since then the growth of Internet users skyrocketed.
Development of the Internet gives the influence
The Internet has made a new revolution in the world of computer and communications world that has never previously suspected. Some findings telegraph, telephone, radio, and computers is a series of scientific work that led to the creation of the Internet a more integrated and more capable than those tools. Internet has the capability of broadcasting to the world, has a mechanism of information dissemination, and as a medium for collaboration and interaction between individuals with the computer without being limited by geography.
The Internet is a most successful example of business investment that can never stop and a commitment to research following the development of information technology infrastructure. Starting with a study packet switching (packet switching), government, industry and the civitas academica have collaborated effort to change and create this exciting new technology.
Historical development of the intenet can be divided into four aspects, namely
1. The existence of aspects of technological evolution that began from the research packet switching (packet switching) ARPANET (the following technology equipment) which was then carried out further research to develop insights into the data communications infrastructure that includes multiple dimensions such as scale, performannce / reliability, and high levels kefungsian.
2. The existence of aspects of the implementation and management of a global and complex infrastructure.
3. The existence of the social aspects resulting in a large community consisting of the Internauts who continue to work together to create and develop this technology.
4. The existence of the commercial aspects resulting in an extreme but effective changes from a study that resulted in the formation of a large infrastructure and useful information. The Internet is now already is a global information infrastructure (widespread information infrastructure), which was originally called "The National (or Global or Galactic) Information Infrastructure" in the United States. Its history is very complex and covers many aspects such as technological, organizational, and community. And its influence not only on the field of computer communication techniques but also affects the social problems as of now we do a lot of us use the tools on line to achieve
History of the Internet and Internet Development
History of the intenet began in 1969 when the U.S. Department of Defense, U.S. Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) decided to conduct research on how to connect several computers to form an organic network.
This research program known as the ARPANET. In 1970, already more than 10 computers are successfully connected to each other so that they can communicate with each other and form a network.
In 1972, Roy Tomlinson managed to complete the e-mail program that he created a year ago for the ARPANET. E-mail program is so easy that immediately became popular. In the same year, @ icon is also introduced as an important symbol that shows the "at" or "on". In 1973, ARPANET computer network was developed outside the United States.
Computer University College in London was the first computer that are outside the United States who are members of Arpanet network. In the same year, two computer experts that Vinton Cerf and Bob Kahn presented a larger idea, which became the forerunner of the Internet thinking. This idea was presented for the first time at the University of Sussex.
The next historic day is dated March 26, 1976, when the Queen of England managed to send an e-mail from the Royal Signals and Radar Establishment at Malvern. A year later, already more than 100 computers on the ARPANET joined to form a network or network. In 1979, Tom Truscott, Jim Ellis and Steve Bellovin, creating the first-named newsgroups USENET. In 1981 France Telecom created a buzz with the launch of the first television phone, where people can call each other while associated with the video link.
Because the computers that form a network of daily increasing, it takes a formal protocol that is recognized by all networks. In 1982 formed the Transmission Control Protocol or TCP and Internet Protocol or IP that we know all. Meanwhile in Europe appear counter computer network known as Eunet, which provides computer network services in the countries of Holland, England, Denm
ark and Sweden. Eunet network providing e-mail and USENET newsgroups.
To homogenize the address on an existing computer network, then in 1984 introduced the domain name system, which now we are familiar with DNS or Domain Name System. Computer connected to the existing network has more than 1,000 computers. In 1987 the number of computers connected to the network soared 10-fold manjadi 10,000 more.
In 1988, Jarko Oikarinen of Finland found and also introduces IRC or Internet Relay Chat. A year later, the number of interconnected computers soared 10-fold return in a year. No fewer than 100,000 computers are now forming a network. 1990 is the most historic year, when Tim Berners Lee to find a program editor and browser that can roam from one computer to another computer, which form a network. The program is called www, or Worl Wide Web.
In 1992, computers that are connected to form a network already exceeded a million computers, and in the same year the term surfing the internet. In 1994, the website has grown into a 3000 page address, and for the first time in a virtual-shopping or e-retailer appears on the internet. The world changed. In the same year founded Yahoo!, which is also well-born Netscape Navigator 1.0.
What is Internet? Let us try to describe understanding of the Internet.
The Internet is a global network of computers of the world, large and very wide at all where any computer connected to each other from country to country around the world and contains a wide range of information, ranging from text, images, audio, video, and more.
Internet itself is derived from the word Interconnection Networking, which means the relationship of many computer networks with different types and kinds, using this type of communication such as telephone, salelit, and others.
In regulating the integration of computer and communications network that uses the protocol TCP / IP. TCP (Transmission Control Protocol) duty to ensure that all links work properly, while the IP (Internet Protocol) which transmits data from one computer to another. TPC / IP in general serves to choose the best route of transmission of data, choose an alternate route if a route can not be in use, manage and transmit data packets delivery.
To be able to participate using the Internet facility, you must subscribe to one ISP (Internet Service Provider) that exist and serve your area. ISPs are usually called Internet service providers. You can use the facilities of Telkom such as Instant Telkomnet, speedy and also other ISP services such as first media, netzip and so on.
The Internet offers many benefits, one can provide benefits both good and bad. Well when used for learning information and bad when used for things that pornography, violence information, and others are negative.
Internet allows computer users worldwide to communicate and share information with each other how to send emails, connect one computer to another computer, send and receive files in the form of text, audio, video, discuss specific topics on the newsgroups, social networking websites and others.
Some time ago Facebook had announced it would make changes is to bring up the Timeline.
Currently Facebook Timeline can be tried for application developers and not to the public. But apparently the facebookers are not a Facebook application developers can feel the Timeline by pretending to be a 'developer' facebook. Actually the service was officially launched Timeline Facebook Facebook on October 4, 2011.
But for those of you who want to try it, here Try and Make up Tutorial Timeline quoted from MSN
Go to the Facebook Developer page.
Click the "Apps" on the blue menubar at the top, and let the application "Developer" to access your information.
You will be redirected to a page that offers to create a new application on Facebook. Then click the "Create New App".
Enter the name of your application. You can use any name.
Read the statement "Privacy Policy Platform", and tick the box on the approval. Then click "Continue."
When finished, just click the "Open Graph" on the left side. Will show a page that offers you to activate the feature 'Open Graph'.
Dialog box will appear and fill it with one of the suggested word in the box filling. Then click "Get Started".
Page will appear again with lots of menus. Ignore these menus, just click "Save changes and Next" button until it appears that says "Save and Finish".
Then open your front page Facebook:
After that please go to your profile page. And Facebook already you can use the Timeline.
Perhaps more crowded still furor Firebug ni, right? There also are not directly know about kewujudan 'insects' ni. So, I pray you read the writing than what I understood the FireBug!
Firebug is one of the addons for Firefox that need to be there for someone web developer. With firebug, you can edit, debug and monitor CSS, HTML, and JavaScript live without having to open the file editor. Firebug may be found in shops or on the page border typical Firefox addons.
Firebug functions:
Displaying HTML in a readable form. The format is structured in the form of colapsible tree. This helps us in debugging the HTML tree structure and can change the style and stacking aturnya in real-time.
Having an 'inspector', where we can see the style and ubiquitous components on the web by clicking on the component. We can also edit the style and components.
Using the most advanced JavaScript Debugger which is available on the ubiquitous browser
Analyzes the use of the circuit and with the proper performance
Release dah installed, please restart your web browser (Firefox) and an icon will appear korang gray insects in the status bar of Firefox, namely in the lower right portion kanan.Untuk activate it, click on the icon tu and Firebug will open on the bottom portion on the webpage. Then, korang experience with Firebug would begin. Korang would like Firebug ni if korang schools and proficient with their functions.
Firebug panel functions:
In the Firebug panel there are several tabs with separate functions.
Console - see aktiviti-aktiviti debuging.
HTML - see the HTML code on your opponent sesebuah web.
CSS - see the CSS code on the webpage.
Script - see the javascript code is loaded.
DOM - see the functions contained in sesebuah webpage.
Net - see what is loaded on the website, the order of loading, status and kepantasannya.
HTML DOM Inspector and Modification of HTML Elements
One of the important functions that exist in the HTML DOM Inspector Firebug, where by using Firebug korang can see certain elements in the full Web, both in terms of HTML code mahupun CSS without the need to look one by one. Simply by pressing debt plus' Inspect '(second button with a blue pointer symbol) or by simply right-click on the object that mahu di'inspect'.
Besides viewing, korang can also create HTML editing on the existing tree. Just need to right click on the element tree in Firebug HTML panel, and will look various options that can be done such as Edit, Copy and Delete elements.
CSS CSS Inspector and Modification
CSS is an important element in sesebuah webpage that will determine the shape and stacking set on the webpage. It was sometimes troublesome programmers. With the help of Firebug, the programmer can easily edit and modify existing styles on web pages. Look under ni kat pictures:
Blogger and Firebug
For bloggers who want to edit the theme and so on relating to coding, Firebug will facilitate the work korang. However, little knowledge of HTML code needed. Knowledge of basic stage Ib dah about OK as long as korang korang know what to make. Do not worry because nothing changes on the blog that korang theme created by using Firebug korang blog ni would not interfere. It was just change the exposure during editing korang je. Refresh and exposure to the blog will return to normal.
If the kid-created editing betulnya Actually kat blogs, korang taxable korang He edit in the blog. Firebug only facilitate korang schools and know-Courant Courant that need to be changed, what needs to be used coding, editing that needs to be made, and so on.
CAUTION! Fraud Using Firebug
Yess! With Firebug also various fraud may be made. Nak I remind you, do not easily trust with sedition bisnes activists on the internet (sesetengah bisnes our other features) that sets forth the opinion of pretty screenshots berunsur, millionaire money, big money, bank transactions, amounting to thousand-thousand million-million Ringgit Malaysia, USD or so. That all may be made using Firebug. 'Inspect' the son Courant amended, for editing the amount of revenue that we follow son, tu print off the screen, and then save to the format. Jpg,. Gif or so, then upload to the internet
Articles of origin - # ixzz1fUW5ajdx
Under Creative Commons License: Attribution No Derivatives
Dance that focuses on intricate footwork seen is from Melbourne, Australia. This dance has been around since the 1980s. Shuffle dance started the trend since the end of 2009 until now increasingly attracted the attention of many people to know more about the shuffle dance.
At first glance this dance was similar to the movement a la Michael Jackson moon walk because both put the foot on the floor and dragged him. Well, according to the meaning of the shuffle itself. Well, for those who menarikannya familiarly called shufflers.
In the video clip that was popularized by the Party Rock Anthem featuring Lauren B also displays the shuffle dance in music videos, LMFAO. Through this video clip was also recognized by some teenagers they know Shuffling.
One of SMAN 2 Makassar is also a hobby is dancing and has earned many achievements in the field of dance and show up to these neighboring countries also claim to love shuffling. Dio amit know about shuffling through video clips LMFAO.
"Yeah, I know about the shuffle dance from LMFAO. For me dance is really cool, it sounded modern, unique, and such fun," said Surya Earth girl.
The girl who was familiarly called this girl was deeply interested to learn the dance shuffle.
"The desire and interest to be shuffling of course there is. But it seems for now this is still very difficult to learn and try shuffling. Because sekrang still focus with school work first," he explained.
So is the origin of high school students who like Dian hope to play basketball. Doi amit interested in studying dance shuffle.
"Curious want to learn the shuffling. Initially I knew shuffle dance from teachers at school who was pleased with the shuffle dance. Had Dian Hope event last time, the teachers also participated in skill performance by displaying their skills in Shuffling to entertain the audience and students Dian Hope School
Blackberry dan Android adalah dua platform mobilephone yang bersaing ketat di pasar smartphone, saat ini. iPhone-nya Apple, gimana? Untuk pasar smartphone di Indonesia, iPhone kurang bisa bersaing. Bukan karena kualitas iPhone jelek (justru sebaliknya), tapi karena harga-nya yang menurut saya kurang bersahabat dengan kantong kebanyakan orang Indonesia. Harga paling murahnya saja di atas 5 juta rupiah. Sedangkan blackberry dan ponsel Android, walaupun ada juga yang harganya di atas 5 juta, tapi yang di bawa 5 juta rupiah lebih banyak, bahkan ada yang di bawah 2 juta rupiah.
Pada postingan kali ini saya tidak akan memaparkan kekurangan serta kelebihan blackberry dan ponsel android. Kenapa? karena saya belum pernah menggunakan keduanya. Kalau pinjam punya teman, iya, pernah! :D Saya masih pake handphone sejuta umat, yang ber-OS Symbian, itu loh..! :D Sempat kepikiran untuk mengupgrate-nya ke Nokia N8 dan Nokia E7, karena tergoda dengan kameranya yang beresolusi 12MP. Tapi setelah saya pikir-pikir lagi, sekalian blackberry atau android aja, ah! Bosen dengan brand itu2 terus. Pengen nyobain sesuatu yang baru. :) Lagi pula untuk pasar smartphone, nokia sudah kalah telak.
Nah, masalahnya sekarang, saya bingung milih antara blackberry dan android. Karena itu, saya ingin minta saran dari teman-teman semua, khususnya yang pernah menggunakan blackberry dan android, kira-kira menurut pengalaman kalian, apa kekurangan serta kelebihan dari blackberry dan android?
Kalau menurut salah seorang teman, katanya blackberry koneksi internet-nya bagus (stabil) serta hemat bandwidth. Sedangkan android, kebalikannya. Tapi android, selain pilihan ponsel sangat beragam, fitur dan aplikasi pendukungnya juga lebih banyak. Itu kata teman saya sih… Makanya untuk lebih memastikan, saya butuh pendapat lain dari orang-orang yang pernah menggunakan blackbery dan android.
Setelah menimbang, mengukur, menggali, dan menanam ( lhoo.. apaan tuh? :D ) Saya ulangi! Setelah menbaca dan mendengar dari berbagai sumber termasuk dari komentar-komentar di postingan ini, serta sempat juga mencoba sendiri (walaupun pinjaman) maka dengan ini saya nyatakan, saya pilih Ponsel ANDROID!
Thank you buat teman-teman yang telah sudih memberikan masukan dan pendapat-nya seputar android vs blackberry. Sekarang saya sudah mantap memilih Android sebagai OS (Operating sistem) dari Gadget yang akan saya beli. Pengennya sih Samsung Galaxy S II, tapi masih bingung karena kabarnya Samsung Galaxy Note sebentar lagi akan diluncurkan (kemungkinan satu atau bulan ke depan). Sempat juga sih.. kepikiran Samsung Galaxy Mini, tapi saya pikir-pikir, ah tanggung! Sekalian aja beli kakaknya yang layar dan spesifikasi-nya lebih tinggi. Mahal sedikit, gak apa2 lah.. yang penting puas. :)